Week 3: The Christian's Great Interest
Recommended Reading:
Part 2; Introduction- Chapter 2 (30 pages)
Bible Study Questions
- Read Romans 1:18-21
- Do you think that it is fair for God to punish all mankind even if they have never heard of the Bible or much of its content? What does this passage reveal about man's knowledge of God?
- Read Matthew 7:21-27
- Many today declare Christ to be Lord of their lives, but many will find that they were never truly saved. How can you examine yourself to ensure that you are of the faith?
- When you hear the Word proclaimed each Lord's Day, would you say that you are a wise builder who hears the Word and does them? What two things this week could you do in order to apply the sermon you heard this week?
- Read Isaiah 55:1-3 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
- What does it mean to come and "buy wine and milk without money and without price"?
- In what ways have you been buying bread that does not satisfy? What areas need a reorientation back to God?
- How would you respond to the question that Guthrie raises for the whole of Part 2?
- Guthrie spends nearly 5 pages presenting the Gospel. As a believer, what specific areas cause you the most rejoicing? What specific areas cause you the most conviction?
- Are there any people in your life who are "ignorant" of these truths? What is keeping you from presenting these glorious things with them?
- Although not formulaic, do you find the general outline for how to close with Christ being presented as too overly simple? In what ways have you overly complicated the Gospel to others? By the same token, do you view it as overly complex and have you made it more simple than it should be?
- If the effects of closing with Christ is union and communion with Him, in what ways does this bring you great joy? Have you found that you have neglected having a true interest in God's property?
Father God, the more I study Your Word, the more I find I am ignorant of You. Worse, I find so many days where sluggishness and laziness creep in and I do not devote myself to knowing You more through Your Word. Forgive me for my slothfulness. Slothfulness in study, but also in serving You to advance the kingdom. I find that I am often ashamed of my being a child of You and will hide the Gospel from those who are ignorant of it. I am often weak in my defense of the faith in allowing those who have deceived themselves to remain in their own self-deception. In presenting the Gospel, I too often rush through it as quickly as I can, with little regard for the person. Refresh my soul with the joys that are found in the Gospel and convict my heart for the lost. Please use me to advance your kingdom and to handle the Gospel with great care, treasuring it above all other things. For by it, I know that it is the power of You unto salvation for all who believe. Make me a more diligent and consistent witness of all the graces that are found in Your Son, Jesus Christ. And may I continue to look towards that day when sin will be no more and I will finally be able to see You face to face. Amen.
Presentation of the question to be considered for part 2: how to close with Christ.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
A very concise Gospel presentation. I am too often guilty of being hasty to rush through the Gospel. Guthrie is willing to spend the words to clearly present how it is that we got to our current situation and what the remedy is. This perfect plan of God is one that should cause all believers to rejoice, but also to self-examine their own hearts to ensure that they are of the faith. Many have deluded themselves and are in a much worse state than before.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
In this chapter Guthrie discusses how it is for a person to be able to close with Christ (become saved). It is everyone's duty to close with God through Christ through the Gospel but not everyone does this. One thing that should be remembered is that no one can do this on their own. It requires that God pour out His Spirit on that person for them to truly become saved. I like how Guthrie explains what is involved in this duty. It is not something that most people consider. Yes, we understand that it must be a personal faith and that it must not be something that is done out of emotionalism. But it is something that must be rational, in the sense that the person must understand it. This means that when we present the Gospel, we should be willing to slowly and carefully unpack this great treasure for the other person so that they can rightly understand what it is that we are saying. Also, it must be accepted with faith and a willingness to follow Christ despite what sacrifices may be required because it is the greatest treasure in the word. Additionally, many are too quick to minimize acceptance of the Gospel as imply getting into Heaven and earning eternal life, but it is so much more than that. It also is union and communion with God. Union- We are united with Him and like a husband who is united with his wife will love his wife, a believer united with God will not hate God. Communion- We now share mutual interests in one another's goods and property. So having communion with God entails that we guard His Word.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
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If you would like to join Alex's 2020 Bible in a Year plan, you can download that here: Bible in a Year Plan
Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
To never miss an article, click on the "Subscribe" button at the top of the blog page (https://aogalvez.blogspot.com/)
If you would like to join Alex's 2020 Bible in a Year plan, you can download that here: Bible in a Year Plan
Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
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