Week 2: The Christian's Great Interest

Recommended Reading:
Chapters 4-6 (38 pages)

Bible Study Questions
Chapter 4
  1. Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
  2. From the reading, what sort of activities does Paul express that new creations are engaged with?
  3. Do you find that you are attempting to accomplish all of those things on your efforts? Is this right? Is this wrong? What does verse 18 say?
Chapter 5
  1. Read Luke 18:9-14
  2. What differences do see between the Pharisee and the tax collector in their prayers and approach to God?
  3. What does this parable seem to stress as God's desire? How can you grow in this area?

Personal Reflection Questions:
Chapter 4
  1. What areas in your life needs further pruning from the Lord? Have you come to depend on the Spirit and His Word on these matters?
  2. We all know that we fall short of the glory of God. In what ways have you made that an excuse for you to not live the renewed life that God has called you into?
Chapter 5
  1. Why do you think it can be so difficult at times to differentiate between a hypocrite and a true Christian?
  2. When was the last time that you examined yourself to see if you are of the faith? How can you grow in your assurance of your security in Christ?
Father God, I am a weak a lowly vessel. Even though I feel that I have grasped a sufficient understanding of what it means to have faith for salvation, I find that I have just barely reached the first level of understanding in applying it. Help me to grow in my understanding of faith in your son, depending on Your Spirit. May I no longer make concessions and compromises, but live a life that is holy and wholly for you.

Alex's Chapter Summary: 
Chapter 4
In this chapter, we look to the second mark of a person with a true interest in Christ, a new creation; the first mark being faith. Those who are a new creations in Christ will be renewed in such a way that their old nature is no longer exercising dominion, because it is dead and gone. The person is renewed as a whole man. This means that their understanding and reasoning has changed, due to the faith that they now have. But not only is their minds changed, but also their hearts. Secondly, a new creation is renewed, to an extent in this life, in their desire to please the Lord, worship, vocational service, relationships, exercise of Christian liberty, and conversations. Lastly, the do not make any excuses for how holiness is unattainable, but understand that they are to live a life of holiness and will do it because they are new creations.

Chapter 5
This was a very hard chapter to read despite it being the shortest chapter thus far. It exposes how similar hypocrites and true Christians can be since they may bear very similar fruit to a real believer. Which makes it even more crucial that we examine ourselves to ensure that we are of the faith. While there may be some similarities and hypocrites can fool believers, a true Christian can have assurance if they find Christ to be preeminent above all things and do not depend on any of the things that they do but only on the finished work of Christ.

Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez

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