Disciplining Your Children

The month of February 2020 will be on the theme of Parenting. BUT before all of you single and married without children folks check out, I want you to know that many of the applications found in these articles will not only be useful for you in the future, but for the here and now and I will be putting some applications specifically for you in the last paragraph of each section. ********************************** Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 Before Monica and I got married, we had the talk. No, not the talk, but the talk about how we were going to raise and discipline our children. We were both in complete agreement that we would, when necessary, discipline them with the paddle for a variety of reasons (read on). Now, I know in today's day and age corporal punishment can be a controversial issue for some, but it really should not be at all. Some will argue that there are m...