Overflow Daily...ish: Who is Jesus?

40 When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “This is the Christ…43 So a division occurred among the crowd because of Him. 

John 7:40-41a,43 (ESV) 

Thus far in our reading through John's Gospel, we have seen some question come up over and over again. A couple of questions include: who is Jesus and what will you do with him? And it really is interesting because John gives the reader the answer to this question at the outset. Jesus is God! And yet, time and time again, we read that many people continue to struggle with the reality that God Incarnate is immanent. That the second person of the Trinity is near to them and is offering eternal life to all who believe in him. The person of Jesus can be very divisive.

This is especially the case with the Jews as we have read in the 7th chapter. They did not know what to do with him. Is he the prophet? Or is he the Christ? The truth is that he is both. They had not yet come to the epiphany that Jesus is the prophet Moses foretold of, and that he is the Christ, the Messiah. This divided the people as they struggled to figure out what to do with Jesus. And this is true even for today. For the unbeliever, they really do not know how to handle Jesus. There is no doubt, even in today's day, that Jesus was more than just a man. The historical accounts, biblical and extra biblical, attest to the fact that he did things and said things that are beyond the capacity of us.

But for those who have been redeemed by the Son, we do not grapple with the question of who Jesus is. We more so wrestle with the fact that He is Lord over all. We are confronted by the truth that as the Messiah, we have new identities in him. A change in identity, who we are, and a change in intention, what we do. We are sinners and are called to be holy. Every Lord's Day, we are reminded just how much we rely on the Holy Spirit as we reflect on our past week and enter into a time of corporate confession and testimony. While the world is confused and divided on the question of who Jesus is, the church stands united. God's people "are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, working side by side for the faith that comes from the Gospel". (Phil 4:27)

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alex

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