Overflow Daily...ish: Poor Beggar

6 When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?”
John 5:6 (ESV)

Adapted excerpt from Overflow Sermon from 2/10/2019

Have you ever wanted something desperately? And not in an idolatrous or covetous manner either. But, with careful balance of contentment and covetousness, you desire something so strong your thoughts are on it and your actions are propelling you to achieve it. For me, I have for a long time been wanting to have a child of my own. Not just because I love kids, but because I want to see the kingdom of God advance in my own family. In John 5, we read of a man who also had a very strong desire.

For 38 years, this unnamed beggar had been ailing by crippling disease. This is not something that was psychosomatic or self-prescribed after checking WebMD. No, this man was truly sick. And so, when Jesus approaches this man and asks him if he wants to be made well, the most obvious answer to this question is yes! Jesus is not at all being insensitive to this man’s state, but he is addressing a deep need that is present in him. We learn later on (in verse 14) that Jesus implies that the reason for his current state is due to a personal sin. And quickly we learn that the deep need that this man had was not for healing of a 38-year disorder, but that he needed reconciliation with God.

This narrative is a beautiful picture of the grace and providence of God as well. You will notice also that the man had no idea who Jesus was. He was not like the blind man in Jericho who called out, much to the annoyance of the crowds, for healing (Luke 18:35-42). Rather, this poor beggar was not crying out for Jesus to heal him. He had not displayed any sort of faith in Jesus’ ability to heal him. In fact, he had no idea who Jesus even was! Too often we hear about how we need to seek Jesus, especially as it concerns salvation, as though the spiritual initiative relies on us. Here, we see Jesus seeking out the lost. And he speaks directly to him and tells him to not sin anymore lest something worse happen to him.

Now what could be worse than spending half your life crippled and without any hope for healing? Jesus focuses him, just like we ought to, on eternity. And that is the point of this narrative and a lesson we need to be reminded of. That our greatest need is not physical healing, an increase in our wages, or even more board games. Our greatest need is to be made well. Spiritually we are dead and condemned by God. We need reconciliation with God. May we rejoice knowing that in the Son, we have found life. To reiterate some points of chapters 3-5 of John, may we rejoice knowing that we are born again, have drunk from the eternal waters, and have been made well. Yes, it is well, with our souls.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alex

P.S. Monica and I are still waiting for our firstborn.

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