Overflow Daily...ish: Loving Your Pastor
7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.
Hebrews 13:7
Think for a moment about the three most influential people in your life. Who made the list? If you are like most people, on the list would be a parent, a grade school teacher or university professor, and a mentor that you look up to. There is nothing wrong with that at all and I do hope that you take the time to appreciate them for all the work and time they have invested in your development, growth, and maturity. But may I encourage you to consider your pastor.
They are the ones who are laboring for you daily in their prayers, sacrificial in their lives in caring for your physical needs or counseling moments, and diligently speak truth to you by their lives and teaching. They do not labor because they keep watch over your soul under any compulsion, but do so eagerly and willingly (Heb 13:17; 1 Peter 5:2-3). Out of love for the flock and a deep yearning to increase their knowledge and desire of God, pastors labor so that they may be present back God sheep unblemished. Your pastor will be held accountable to God with how they lead or lack of leadership and, unfortunately, this can be a thankless position. I assure you, however, that pastors need your prayers and your commendations to lift their spirits.
This is no easy task, but one that requires a great deal of sacrifice, tears, and sleepless nights. I know that this is true in my case and in the case of many pastors that I work with. I encourage you to take some time this week to thank your pastor in the following ways:
- Be vocal. This might seem too obvious but think of when you last thanked him for all the work they do. When was the last time you thanked them for the sermon that they spent hours faithfully crafting for God’s glory and your benefit?
- Pray for them. Pastors may seem like they have it all figured out, but trust me when I say that pastors need prayers as well. Ask them what it is that you could be praying for them over and then let them know that you are praying for them as you do so.
- Imitate them. My prayer is that you do have a good pastor who is modeling what faithful application of the Word looks like. This goes beyond the Sunday morning sermon. Faithfulness in applying God’s word is evident in fellowship, in daily exhortation, and in evangelistic practice. Imitate the faithfulness they display
- Feed them. Just as they feed you spiritually, take some time to take your pastor out for a meal. Believe it or not, some pastors will forget to eat on a Sunday from delivering the sermon and recovering from a long and busy week. Take them out for a meal.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alex
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