Week 4: The Christian's Great Interest
Recommended Reading:
Section 2; Chapters 3-Conclusion (51 pages)
Bible Study Questions
Bible Study Questions
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
- Read Acts 7:51-53
- Do you think that the Jewish people had any legitimate reasons for why they would be excused by God for having hardening their hearts and resisting the Holy Spirit? What would be their consequence for doing so? Why do you think that they did so anyways?
- In what ways have you resisted the Holy Spirit when He has convicted you to do something?
- Read John 15:1-17
- What sort of instructions are given to those who would like to remain in Christ and to bear great fruitfulness? Where do you see those items most clearly in your own life?
- In what ways have you depended on yourself for fruitfulness apart from Christ? What steps will you take to remove that idol of self?
Chapter 3
- What other objections have you heard been given for why a person will not submit themselves to Christ? What were your responses?
- In what ways you can you have a better testimony of the Gospel that has changed you? In what ways has your current way of living caused others to object to the Gospel?
- Considering the last month and all the activities that you did, would you say that you have a rich, growing relationship with God? In what ways can you be more diligent in the spiritual matters?
- To prepare for seasons of backsliding, what areas of temptation can you foresee and what will you do to prevent it?
- What portions of the book did you find to be the most encouraging in your spiritual life?
- What three things will apply in your life starting this week?
- What did you not like in reading this book or wish that he had gone in further depth on?
Father God, I know that the most precious gift that I have been given is my salvation found in your Son. Lord keep me and do not cause me to stray from the narrow path which leads to life. And as I travel along this narrow path, with all of the trials and difficulties that come with it. Let me never lose the joy that I found in my salvation. As I travel this path, may I not grow weary in bearing fruit or discouraged to the point of inactivity and idleness from a lack of fruit. Keep me and sustain me in You so that I may live a life that is pleasing and acceptable in Your sight. I pray that you provide me with opportunities to preach the Gospel and that I be ready to provide an answer for the hope that is within me. I pray that you open up the hearts of those who hear the Gospel from me and that they do not hold on to their objections and harden their hearts, but that they follow the leading of the Spirit and yield themselves to You. And as I do so, guard my heart so that I do not become puffed with pride as though I did anything apart from Your Spirit. May I live for you and for you alone, both now and in eternity. Amen.
Chapter 3
This chapter is a bit more difficult to write a summary for since it is basically all about answering objections that person might have for closing with Christ. Essentially the objections that most people have with closing with Christ are around the fact that they are too sinful, weak, or useless. All objections however are not legitimate reasons to reject the free grace found in Christ when being presented with the Gospel message and Guthrie addresses each one of these objections. One place that I would also add to each response would be that any objection ultimately is a rejection and opposition to the work of the Spirit and against God Himself. And so every person should be careful with rejecting the God of the universe because there will be no excuse that can be made to reject His divine call.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
This final chapter of the book deals with making a personal covenant with God in Christ. Because of the distance in time we have and the changes in language, I initially read this chapter as steps for salvation. However, as I continued to read it it became more clear to me that he is talking about growing your personal relationship with God as opposed to having a relationship with God. He is talking about how one can actually make this relationship personal as opposed to speaking about their relationship with God in terms of a "we as the church" have a relationship with God-> "I as a son of God" have a real relationship with God. With that understanding, things fall into place much more easily and the applications and disciplines that he offers, such as drawing near through the Word, and his analysis on backsliding make more sense. There will always be those who fear that their lack of fruitlessness is a sign that they are not truly saved, and I like how he handles this concern with gentleness for those folks.
Basically, this is a summary of the entire book in very brief question and answer form.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
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If you would like to join Alex's 2020 Bible in a Year plan, you can download that here: Bible in a Year Plan
Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
To never miss an article, click on the "Subscribe" button at the top of the blog page (https://aogalvez.blogspot.com/)
If you would like to join Alex's 2020 Bible in a Year plan, you can download that here: Bible in a Year Plan
Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
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