Week 1: Temptation
Recommended Reading:
Introduction-Chapter 8 (40 pages)
Because this book is divided up into so many chapters, I am grouping chapters into like themes rather than creating reflective meditations on each chapter.
Because this book is divided up into so many chapters, I am grouping chapters into like themes rather than creating reflective meditations on each chapter.
- Section 1: Introductory Remarks
- includes the Author's Preface and the Introduction (Chapter 1)
- Section 2: Testing vs Temptations
- includes chapters 2-3
- Section 3: Identifying Temptations
- includes chapters 4-5
- Section 4: Our Duty and our Folly
- includes chapters 6-8
Section 2: Testing vs Temptations
- Read Hebrews 2:14-18
- Knowing that Jesus also has endured temptations and is able to help those who are being tempted, are there any places where you have not fully trusted in Christ to come to your aid?
- How does your worship to the Lord change knowing that he came to "help the offspring of Abraham"?
- Read James 1:12-15
- Considering the text, where do the sources of temptation come from and how do they grow? Given that, is it appropriate for us to place our test in ourselves for rescue?
- What is the benefit for those who "remains steadfast under trial"? To whom is this promise given to?
- Read Titus 2:11-14
- Along with salvation, what does the grace of God do in the life of a believer? Do you see those evidences in your own life?
- Many people think that we are saved and are just waiting to go to Heaven. However, this text tells us that we are waiting for the appearing of the glory of the Son to do a specific work. What is the outcome of his coming and does it surprise you that this would be what we are awaiting?
Section 2: Testing vs Temptations
- Reflect on the various tests that God has placed in your life this week, have you passed them? How has God used them to encourage and strengthen you? How will you use those advances to further the kingdom of God?
- Reflect on the various temptations that God has allowed you to enter into this week, have you fallen to them? In what ways can you prepare yourself so that you will not fall into them in the future?
- John Owen mentions that we should not pray that we never face temptations, but rather that we should pray that we not enter into temptations. In what ways does this subtle change in mindset and prayer alter the way that you depend on the Lord and study His Word?
- How can you sharpen your acuteness or sensitivity for when the hour of temptation comes?
- What other great duties are there for believers? In what ways does the duty that Owen mention correspond or relate to the other great duties that you have identified?
- Which of the weak defenses have you been placing your trust in to keep you from entering into temptation?
Father God, although you call me to resist my temptations I am too quick to fall into them. In this way, I fail to give you the glory that is your due. Likewise, in the testing you bring into my life, I fail you there as well. Instead of being sanctified, I am found to be rebellious to Your work. Lord, grant me with the strength to resist temptations. Provide me with a larger measure of wisdom so that I will be able to discern my state and to quickly leave it. Lord, grow in me a greater dependence on You and Your word. I know that when things are going well in my life, I forget You and slip into relying on myself to sustain that graceful state. This too is a temptation in my life and I pray that you help me to realize it before it does great damage to my testimony and Your honor. And when things are going poorly in my life, I am quick to blame You. My gracious Father, I pray that I will stand ready always for when temptations come because I am able to recall Your Word by Your Spirit. And while I do depend on You for a way of escape, let me not be passive in this, but active in resisting the devil and his enticements so that you may be glorified. Amen.
Section 1: Introductory Remarks
This outlines the remainder of the book in two main sections, what is temptations and how do we go about prevailing against it. If you read this section carefully, Owen gives you the answer to the second question in that we must be watchful and prayerful people. It is true that the Scriptures generally have those two being united together and so we should be consider it well in our own lives for how we can be more watchful and prayerful.
Section 2: Testing vs Temptations
Section 2: Testing vs Temptations
In this section, Owen differentiates tests and temptations. Tests are sent by God in order for us to know what sort of person that we are. One thing that he does not mention is that they can also be used by God in order to develop us into the person that He desires us to be. Temptations, on the other hand, can be used by God but Owen does not want to focus on those sort of temptations. He wants to focus on the ones that are allowed by God and not directly sent by Him. They are the ones that come from Satan, his devices, and from within ourselves. The origin is not the only differentiator though, the purpose is as well. While tests draw us near to God, temptations will lead us away from God and towards evil.
Section 3: Identifying Temptations
Section 3: Identifying Temptations
Firstly, Owen wants us to have a more Biblical relationship with temptations in our prayers. As opposed to praying for them to never come, we need to understand that they will come and that we are surrounded externally and internally by them. Instead, we should pray to God that we are kept from entering or falling into temptations. For the times that we do fall into them, those are to be called the hour of temptation and he helps us to identify the various ways that they may come up. He identifies three specific ways: 1) from long solicitations or interactions with it (think about scrolling through sites with provocative pictures like swimsuits leading to pornography), 2) from others (think about those wicked folks who want to lure you into sin), and 3) it being intermingled with other things which are not necessarily evil (perhaps a gentle hug from a friend or a game night that leads to coveting). How can we avoid it? By being watchful and prayerful.
Section 4: Our Duty and our Folly
Section 4: Our Duty and our Folly
In the fourth section, we find that one of the great duties of believers is to "use all diligence in the ways Christ has appointed" to not fall into temptation. This means that we need to not rely on ourselves, but instead trust in the means that he has instructed us in. And while God will provide a way of escape, it is the duty of the believer to keep themselves from falling into it. A giant mistake that we could make is to begin to trust in ourselves for an escape. Our hearts will not prevail over the temptations, we need to trust and depend on other things.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
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Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
To never miss an article, click on the "Subscribe" button at the top of the blog page (https://aogalvez.blogspot.com/)
If you would like to join Alex's 2020 Bible in a Year plan, you can download that here: Bible in a Year Plan
Question? Comments? Post in the comments or send me an e-mail: OverflowBlog@outlook.com
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