“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17 (NKJV)

To be an ambassador for Christ means that we are always living a life, full of words and deeds, that is Christ-like. The cliché WWJD was huge in the ‘90’s, but should not be overlooked in the 2010’s. This simple question can draw us towards seeking the face of God to conform us into His likeness when asked and applied correctly in all areas of our lives. But asking the question is never enough, we must also take steps to do what Jesus would do.

WWJD.3- On Alcohol
A growing area of ambiguity can be found on a Christian’s relationship with alcohol. Are there cases when drinking is prohibited and others when it is allowed? According to Scripture, drinking alcoholic beverages is not a sin and in some cases it is even spoken of in positive terms (Ecc 9:7; Ps 104:14-15; Amos 9:4; Isa 55:1; 1 Tim 5:23 [To name a few]). However, just because it is not unlawful to drink alcohol does it mean that it is good (1 Cor 6:12).

One obvious case when drinking alcohol is prohibited is when it leads to drunkenness. Scripture tells us that it is “debauchery” to become drunk with wine and that we are instead to be full of the Spirit (Eph 5:18). A loss of one’s inhibition and reason usually does not lead to fruitful actions, and in most cases can lead a person to sinful acts.

Another case when drinking alcoholic beverages is not recommended is if it were to cause another believer to stumble. We are not to be stumbling blocks to other believers, but rather we are called to exhort one another (1 Cor 8:9-13; Heb 3:13). In these cases, we should refrain from drinking in order to prevent another or ourselves from sinning.

Additionally, believers are called to be free from bondage. When receiving the truth, that same truth sets us free (John 8:32). Alcohol has addictive properties which can bring a believer under bondage and so, if this is the case, we should seek to remove the temptations from our lives. Paul wrote that as he runs the race he disciplines his body and puts it under his control so that he may not be disqualified (1 Cor 9:27) and in the same way a believer should discipline their body so to not be enslaved by anything, alcoholism is one item.

Ultimately, it comes down to bringing glory to God. We should be conscious of our actions and in all things examine it to see if the action can be used to bring glory to God (1 Cor 10:31). Thus, it is suggested that a believer refrain from drinking alcohol because you never know who may be watching or the affect it may have on your judgment.

So when faced with the issue of alcohol, think to yourself WWJD.

On the first minute, perform 1 rep of the following:
Squat, Sit-up, Double Under, Pull-up

On the second minute, do 2 reps of each.
On the third minute, do 3 reps of each.
4th minute- 4 reps of each.
...continue the pattern until you fail to do all reps in the minute.

Cool down with a nice 2 mile run.
