“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors…” 2 Corinthians 5:20a (NIV)
To be an ambassador for Christ means that we are always living a life, full of words and deeds, that are Christ-like. The cliché WWJD was huge in the ‘90’s, but should not be overlooked in the 2010’s. This simple question can draw us towards seeking the face of God to conform us into His likeness when asked and applied correctly in all areas of our lives. But asking the question is never enough, we must also take steps to do what Jesus would do.
WWJD.2- On Sexuality
We live in a time where sex is everywhere. We see it in our movies, hear it in our songs, drive past the billboards about them, and even get spam e-mails about it. The inundation of sex has been detrimental to our society by devaluing it and stigmatizing those who practice abstinence. However, this is not something that is new to our generation but rather has existed for many millennia.
When addressing the view of Biblical sexuality it is important to define the term in order to properly frame the argument. Because the term lays forward a very broad base for discussion, I have chosen to limit the term of sexuality as eroticism, sensuality or the capacity one has in their sexual desires. It is through this definition which I will frame an address on a scriptural, or Biblical view, of sexuality.
From creation, God ordained that man and woman were to be “fruitful and multiply” while dwelling on the earth He created; which was entirely good (Gen 1:28; 31, NRSV). Sex, created by God as a means for procreation and pleasure in marriage, was an experience given for his creation to experience and, from the beginning, was also good. However, man has corrupted what was meant for good through adultery and fornication. Interestingly, sexual immorality is the only sin that is against the body and is the very reason why we are called to “flee” from it (1 Cor 6:18, NRSV).
Adultery, the act of having sex with a person whom you are not married to, is a sin (Exod 20:14). The institution of marriage and the purity of the marriage bed is meant to be between one man and one wife (Gen 2:22-24, Heb 13:4-7). Fornication, having sex with someone while unmarried, is likewise a sin (1 Thess 4:3, WK 85). Scripture tells us multiple times that the fornicators and the adulterers do not enter into Heaven (1 Cor 6:9-10, Gal 5:19-21, Rev 21:8). There are many who would state that anal sex, oral sex, masturbation, or other variations are not under the domain of fornication. However, the very nature of those actions serves as means to the same end of satisfying a sexual desire. They could also be an indicator of a lack of self-control, which is one part of the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:23). It is for this reason that Paul appeals to those who are single in 1 Corinthians 7 to take a partner in marriage in order to prevent them from committing fornication. Thus, the Biblical stance on sexuality is to abstain from it until marriage.
So when faced with a sexual temptation, think to yourself. WWJD.
3 rounds for time:
15 Clean and Jerks (155#)
30 Wall Ball (20#)
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