
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." Romans 15:4 (NIV)

Recently I experienced some nostalgia when I watched a show from my early childhood, Recess. If you have never heard of this show I recommend that you take 20 minutes out of your day to educate yourself on the wonders that is the show Recess. It "documents" the crazy shenanigans and events of 6 elementary school children during...who would've guessed Recess. Growing up it was one of my favorite shows and, 15+ years later, this fact holds true. There are not many things in our lives, if any, that will be timeless and timely.

The word of God is one thing that we can have in our lives that is both timeless and timely. A true constant that is always edifying and teaching us. All scripture is profitable to us and all scripture is profitable to us now. It is a source of encouragement when we are down, a source of motivation when we are weak, a source of hope when we are discouraged, and a source of power when we feel powerless. If you are feeling down, take some time to dig into His word; it could be just what you needed to get back up.

WOD: Light Week, Woohoo!!!
For time:
Run 400 meters
3 20' Rope Ascents, touch and go
50 Wallballs (20# @ 10')
2 20' Rope Ascents, touch and go
40 Wallballs (20# @ 10')
1 20' Rope Ascents, touch and go
30 Wallballs (20# @ 10')
Run 400 meters
Find some rocks or bricks and move 300 pounds worth 100 ft.
