
"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12 (NASB)

This week, my washer machine broke. It was spinning like crazy and the agitator was banging against the walls of the machine so hard it was rocking. I took it upon myself to fix it rather than call a mechanic and, after opening it up, I was able to identify the source of the problem; a broken shock dampening device. I had to order the part online and, after waiting a few days for it to be delivered, was able to fix it.

There is something about being a man that loves to fix things. It gives us a sense of accomplishment; especially if it involves our hands. When we reach the ends of our lives, the Bible tells us the faithful will receive the crown of life. The work and the endurance we had on earth will be rewarded in heaven and what a glorious gift that is. That is a much bigger accomplishment in my opinion. That is what we are working towards, not the crown, but the longing to bring glory to God to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful one.” How amazing would it be to hear those words!

One last thought, if your life is rocking on edge, check it. Maybe you are not attached to the source of stability. He can ground you and bring you peace.

WOD: As fast as possible:
5->1->5 Pyramid curls
10->2->10 Deep Dips (Increments of 2)
15->3->15 Pushups (Increments of 3)
2 mile run

Example :
5 curls-10 dips-15 pushups
4 curls- 8 dips-12 pushups
4 curls- 8 dips-12 pushups
5 curls-10 dips-15 pushups

Pyramid curls- curl halfway then go down, curl up to chest then go halfway down and up to chest again and down. (That is one pyramid curl)
Deep Dips- go down around 45 degrees and up to full extension of arms.
Pushups- chest to ground, full lockout at the top.
