Rules for Christian Fellowship

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

John 13:35

Alex is back! After a nice month-long hiatus, I am back and am excited to grow in our love for God and in His Word. You probably have already noticed that this year is very different than last year with the first difference being that there are not the regular Old Testament/Wisdom/New Testament Articles. The reason for this is because I have started a new Bible in a Year Plan which is slightly different than last year's plan. If you want to grab a copy of the plan I am using, you can find it here: (Bible in a Year Plan). Which sort of leads us into the second difference, cadence of articles. Never fear though, articles will not be on an irregular schedule. Here is what you can look forward to:
  • Sundays: I will post the week's reading guide for those who are a part of my awesome Book club! If you are not a part of the club, you really need to join it! I have revamped the reading guides as well and will talk more about it in a future post. You are going to love the changes though and it will really help you dive deeper into God’s word and also help with any family worship’s that you may be having.
  • Wednesdays: These articles will now be topical following a general theme for the month. For the month of February, the theme will be on…. Parenting! Why? Well because Monica and I are now parents and so it fits pretty well in my life right now.
  • Fridays: These will be irregular and not every Friday will have a blog post and these will be very random. They may cover a specific doctrinal topic, or maybe just an update on what's going on in my life, or perhaps a book recommendation without any sort of reading plan.
For today, that is what this article is: Book Recommendation "Duties of Christian Fellowship" by John Owen (Much of what I am writing is relevant to the Banner of Truth version. So, I recommend you grab that specific copy of this book). It is not your typical sort of book where you need to sit down and read it from cover to cover. It is an incredibly easy read that can be completed in about an hour, but I recommend that you get a small group of friends to go through this book together and to consider the content in it. The general outline for each rule can be found below:
  • Rule to be considered
  • Scriptural support for that rule
  • An explanation of the rule
  • Motives for why we ought to follow this rule
  • Small group discussion questions
The book is divided up into two sections also:
  1. Rules for walking in fellowship with respect to the pastor
  2. Rules for walking in fellowship with respect to other believers
While you may be wondering why would I ever want to read a rule book please let me offer up a couple reasons why. Firstly, the rules found in this book are not mere suggestions for living, but find their support in the Scriptures regardless of what denomination you are a part of. These are commands by God and so you would be wise to examine your heart and life to be following His commands. Secondly, these rules, when rightly understood, will inspire a joy and love for your pastor and fellow brethren that is refreshing and invigorating. It has caused me to love my pastor and believers much more and seek out ways to express Godly love for each and every one of them. It has brought a deeper appreciation for the gathering, the preaching, and the fellowship and I know that it can do the same for you. So, grab yourself a copy and please let me know what your thoughts were on this book and how it may have encouraged you in the faith. And as a sample, below are two sample rules from each of the two sections, but the beauty in this book is found in the explanation, motives, and discussion questions:

1. Rules for walking in fellowship with respect to the pastor
  • Rule 1: Believers are to attend regularly, and to submit to, the preaching of the word and administering of the ordinances committed to the pastor by virtue of his ministerial office. They are to do this with a willing obedience in the Lord.
  • Rule 3: Prayer and supplication are to be made continually on the pastor's behalf that he might receive help and success in the work that has been given to him.
2. Rules for walking in fellowship with respect to other believers
  • Rule 6: Believers should engage in frequent spiritual conversation for edification, according to the measure of their gifts.
  • Rule 15: Believers should live and walk in an exemplary way in all holiness and godliness, to the glory of the gospel, the edification of the church, and the conviction of those outside the church. 
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez

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