
Showing posts from January, 2020

Rules for Christian Fellowship

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35 Alex is back! After a nice month-long hiatus, I am back and am excited to grow in our love for God and in His Word. You probably have already noticed that this year is very different than last year with the first difference being that there are not the regular Old Testament/Wisdom/New Testament Articles. The reason for this is because I have started a new Bible in a Year Plan which is slightly different than last year's plan. If you want to grab a copy of the plan I am using, you can find it here: ( Bible in a Year Plan ). Which sort of leads us into the second difference, cadence of articles. Never fear though, articles will not be on an irregular schedule. Here is what you can look forward to: Sundays: I will post the week's reading guide for those who are a part of my awesome Book club! If you are not a part of the club, you really need to join it! I ...

A Resolution for 2020

4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  1 Corinthians 12:4-7  New Decade, New Year, New Goals, New You. Perhaps that was you 28 days but you have since lost your vigor and are trying to just make it through each day. Maybe in the last few days of December you were energetic, organized, and excited to take on the new decade and close out some projects that have been open for several years. This was going to be the year when you finally lost those pounds or hit that physical fitness goal, or perhaps completed your Bible in a Year. But now that we are 1/12th of the way through the year, your enthusiasm is waning and you are just trying to keep up with the several responsibilities that you already have. And while I do not want to ...

New Year 2020

Happy New Year Everyone! Alex's is still on hiatus for vacation and preparation for the addition to the family, but never fear, there will be at least one prepped article posting for the next couple of weeks to get you excited about things to come in the new year! Below is a modernized prayer the new year that is taken from the Valley of Vision. O Lord, Length of days does not profit me      except the days are passed in your presence,      in your service, to your glory. Give me grace that precedes, follows, guides,      sustains, sanctifies, aids every hour, that I may not be one moment apart from you, but may rely on your Spirit      to supply every thought,      speak in every word,      direct every step,      prosper every work,      build up every mote of faith, and give me a desire      to show forth your pr...