Intro to Romans
9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12:9-10
Today we consider the final New Testament book in our Bible in a year plan, Romans. It is a wonderful book to end the year with since Paul very concisely covers a great deal of topics in this letter to a church that he had never visited. And because of the breadth of theological doctrines and topics that are covered, it does a very good job communicating many of the themes that we find all throughout the other 65 books. In fact, if a person only had one book of the Bible available to them to read, I would want them to have the book of Romans. In this letter, we quickly encounter who we are; sinners who stand without excuse denying and rebelling against a just and holy God. And if anyone thinks that they are exempt from God’s judgment in the first couple chapters, chapter 3 makes it abundantly clear that “none is righteous, no not one” (3:10) and that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (3:23).In the next chapters, we are pointed directly to our only hope for salvation, Jesus Christ. While we were enemies of God, Christ died for sinners (5:8) and so we now are reconciled to the Father through Jesus Christ. The Gospel shines brightly in this little book and brings us to have such great joy. But as we continue to read this letter, our joy becomes fuller as we learn that not only are we reconciled and saved, but we are also set free from sin and empowered to live lives of righteousness which is pleasing to God in the chapter 6-8.
And while the Gospel is abundantly good news to any reader who does respond correctly to it, this letter does not leave a person there. Paul continues in chapters 12-15 to provide us with instructions on how we can put our faith into practice. If you have ever wondered what it is that God is wanting from you or what He desires your life to look like, these 3 chapters provide great guidance and applications. And so, with the above, you can see how useful this book would be for any person as it focuses a person on what the Gospel is, their need for this good news, and the natural/expected outworking’s from a person who is changed by it.
As we start to approach Christmas 2019, one verse I hope you will meditate on is found in chapter 12, “9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” During the holidays, we can very quickly start checking off each of our Christmas traditions and I would commend this verse to myself and to you. Examine each of your traditions and determine what is at the heart of each of them. Do you find that you are lacking in outward love and affection for your neighbor? If so, I would encourage you to find some practical ways in which you can love one another and outdo one another in showing honor. If you see another brother in need, why not help if you are able to (12:13). Or perhaps, gather some brothers and sisters and head out to the mall and pass out some gospel tracts and pray with people you meet (12:14). If you have a group of bold singers, maybe knock on your neighbor’s door and do some caroling (12:16-18). Find ways to reach out to others with genuine love for this is what God desires of His people.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
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