Stay Awake
“And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.”
Mark 13:37
And just as there are some stupid questions, the same can be said of certain interpretations of Scripture. For example, consider the passage that we are considering today from Marks Gospel, “And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake.” I recall a conversation on this verse with an individual who explained to me that this verse meant that we were to remain awake physically because if we were asleep and Christ came, we would be left behind (Presumably, he meant heavy sleepers would miss out on Christ’s Second coming since light sleepers, like myself, would awaken at the trumpet sound). He took this claim even further by confirming how he had not slept in the last 2 years so that he would not miss the Lord’s return. He further supported his interpretation from a passage in the very next chapter where Jesus rebukes the disciples for sleeping when they ought to have been praying with him while in the garden.
And as interesting as it may sound, Jesus is not commanding his followers to become purposed insomniacs. Rather, he is commanding them to be vigilant and watchful for the day that he does return. It is because we do not know when Christ is coming and that His word is sure, that we are to be busy about the work that God has called us into. Being woke is not being sensitive to injustices in this world, being woke is living in expectant faithfulness to Jesus. We do not want to be found like those who doubt His return. Nor do we want to be found at his coming living like those who are living lives that are wicked. Because we know that Christ is coming again, we want to live lives that is pleasing to him, preparing ourselves for eternity, and ready for his return. When temptations, doubt, worry, and troubles come your way, do not lose hope and do not be deceived. Do not let anything distract you from fulfilling your task in preaching the gospel and enduring to the end. May he come and find us working for him, and may it be said to each of us ‘well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master’.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
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