Overflow Book Club Preview: The Rule of Love

"In the final analysis, you cannot separate love and rule. It's only a question of which love will rule: the love of God, or the love of self?"
Jonathan Leeman, The Rule of Love, pg 40

As you know, every Wednesday we take some time and meditate on whatever it is that we would be reading that week in our Bible in a Year Plan. More specifically, on Wednesdays we examine a book or passage from our Wisdom reading (Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc) and seek to understand what the text is saying, what it is demanding of us, and how we can glorify God for the truth we read. However, at times we will take an intermission from our Wisdom Wednesday articles to examine what wisdom can be found from reading good, biblically-sound books. For the next several weeks, I invite you to join us in our digital book club as we read and meditate on Jonathan Leeman's book, The Rule of Love. You can grab your copy from most bookstores, including the Nine Marks Store.

I'm looking forward to studying this book with you for the next couple of weeks and may God use it to sanctify you and to bring Him glory.
When the culture today speaks of love, it's usually accompanied by notions of self-expression, self-realization, and unlimited acceptance. However, when God's love is viewed through this lens, we run the risk of misunderstanding it entirely. In reality, the culture's definition of love often diminishes—if not completely redefines—the holy love of God revealed in the Bible.
This book directs the reader toward a biblical definition of love by answering critical questions: How is love commonly misunderstood? What is God’s love like and why is it offensive? What is authority and how does it relate to love? And how does all of this relate to the church? In an age of consumerism, individualism, and skepticism, this book demonstrates how God showcases his holy love and authority to a watching world through his church.

Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez

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These articles usually follow the current Bible Reading plan for Overflow Ministries. If you would like to join the reading plan, simply download the plan here: Overflow Reading Plan

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