Heeding Warning Signs
The LORD spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they paid no attention.
2 Chronicles 33:10
This past week, Monica and I have been on the road traveling in the North East quite a bit. We are celebrating our 3rd anniversary, along with a couple other special occasions, and have driven over 1,000 miles in 5 days with many more miles to go. It has been great seeing all of the wonders of God's creation while spending a lot of great quality time with my wife. Being on the road and visiting a lot of sights, there have been plenty of signs along the trip warning us of ice, bears, falling rocks, and slow moving buggies. It would be very foolish of us to ignore the warnings since they are meant to ensure that we enjoy whatever activity we are engaged in and in a safe manner.
In Second Chronicles 33, we read of the reign of King Manasseh. He is a wicked king who has a very interesting account because 1) his reign is the longest of any king in Israel or Judah, 2) he is considered to be one of the most wicked kings to have reigned, and 3) whereas most kings start off faithful before turning away from God, Manasseh is the opposite. King Manasseh was extremely wicked, so much so that one commentator stated, “If Manasseh had searched the Scriptures for practices that would most anger the Lord and then intentionally committed them, he could not have achieved that result any more effectively than he did.”
This is the sort of person that you would think God would not provide a second chance or a means of redemption or mercy and yet we read that God does speak to Manasseh and to his people to bring them back to Himself. You would think that he would heed this warning from God, the One who created all things and has given him the throne, but we read instead that they ignore God! In Chronicles 33 and 2 Kings 21, we read that God used the prophets to speak to all of Judah and they play the fool (Psalm 14:1). Rather than exercising wisdom and properly humbling themselves in repentance to God, they act as though there is no God and continue in their abominable deeds. But this story is very much one of hope and grace and a reminder of the Gospel, because God does not forget Manasseh when He sends him into exile. God saves him and restores him and we would all do well to learn from his example.
God has warned us in His word that there will be a final judgment and, just as it would be foolish to ignore a speed limit sign, it is eternally foolish to ignore God’s declared Word. A proper response is to remove the high places and idols in our lives, humble ourselves in repentance and walk in sanctification as we persevere in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Alex Galvez
P.S. Attached is a picture of Monica and I in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA.
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