Overflow Daily...ish: What is Truth?

38 Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” 
John 18:38 

The purple dinosaur named Barney is loved by millions of children, to include my nephews and nieces. They would have been completely devastated had they been alive on July 15, 1997, when the cooling fan inside the sixty-pound dinosaur suit short-circuited and started to smoke. The news at the time carried the story of the accident and how the actor playing Barney was sent to the hospital for smoke inhalation.

You can imagine how many children were deeply distressed by this fearing that Barney had been burned, died, or worse, that he was a fake. They had believed that Barney was real and this fantasy of a talking, singing, and dancing purple dinosaur had brought them joy. But a fantasy is a fantasy, and sooner or later the truth comes out. Sooner or later, we all come face to face with the truth.

In today’s reading, we find that the religious leaders had brought Jesus to Pilate under false pretenses with hopes of killing the Son of God. They had rejected and despised the truth. They even made all sorts of excuses for why their actions were necessary and correct in order to save their religious liberties and to save the people. They were living in a false reality. Similarly, Pilate was not at all concerned with the truth but was looking to do what was expedient. He was skeptical about the charges posed against Jesus but was unwilling to know truth.

There will come a day when all who have rejected and are skeptical about the person of Jesus Christ will come face to face with the reality that he is God. Worse, it will be too late and they will spend eternity in hell. But for the true believer who believes in the truth, has been set free by the truth, and is sanctified by the truth they have hope for better things. They know what it means to have a real joy, having left behind fantasy, and are living this life for the truth with full expectancy of receiving the promise of eternal life.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alex

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