Overflow Daily...ish: Rebellious Cain

"But for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell."
Genesis 4:5 (ESV)

In yesterday's reading, we learned in Genesis of the account of Cain and Abel. It is a sorrowful, destructive story about the first fratricide in the history of mankind. If only that were the end of Cain's wickedness, but what we discover is that the evil of Cain continues to greater depths.

In Genesis 4:9, God asks Cain "Where is Abel your brother?" Cain is put in a situation that is familiar to us readers. It is the same as his father, Adam, when Adam was asked in the garden, "Who told you that you were naked?" Adam is given the opportunity to tell the truth but he shifts the blame to Eve in an effort to conceal his sin. And like father, like son Cain is given an opportunity to come clean and tell the truth. Instead, we read how he tries to conceal his sin by responding, "I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?" Inadvertently, Cain's attempt to hide his sin actually exposes and adds to his sin.

And the consequences are curses from God. Cain is cursed in his labor over the ground, the ground which he worked daily as a farmer. And the second curse is that he is to be a wanderer and fugitive on the earth. And just like Adam is cast out of the garden and away from the presence of God; Cain is also cast away from the presence of God and away from human society.

But Cain's story does not end there because we read in verse 17 that Cain builds a city. In response to the curse of God to be a wanderer, Cain rebels and creates a city for himself where we read of widespread wickedness. And so, we are left to wonder will there be a godly line where we will find the Savior, the promised one who will crush the head of Satan? Well, we do not have to wait very long because in chapter 5, we read of the line of Seth. 

As you read today's passage in Genesis consider the comparisons and contrasts between the line of Seth and Cain. And reflect, with joy, that the promised seed did come. That Jesus came and defeated sin and death. If you are attempting to conceal sin in your life like Cain and Adam, I plead with you to repent and turn to God in faith. Come to the merciful and holy God and repent from your sins and receive the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life that was bought for sinners by the blood of the Son (1 John 1:9).

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Alex

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