“Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but one who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” Proverbs 14:29 (NRSV)
Anger. It is an emotion that I unfortunately am all too familiar with. Those who know me would not describe me as one who gets angry and some have even said they have never seen me angry or believe that I can get angry. But anger is an emotion that I do express. And it is that emotion that I feel can be the most dangerous when unbridled. It can cause us to lose our inhibition and, possibly, sin. And that is the danger of anger. When we lose control of ourselves, there is no telling what we will do.
A driver in Philadelphia shot another driver on the highway. There was a construction blockage on the road, narrowing traffic down to only one lane, creating long backups as cars from each direction took turns getting past the blockage.
Well, this driver patiently waited his turn. But just as he was about to get past the blockage, a car came up fast on the shoulder, passing all the waiting cars, & crowded just in front of him. Then after doing that, the driver turned around with a smirk on his face & made an obscene gesture.
Well, that infuriated the first driver. So when traffic was stopped at the next construction bottleneck, he got out of his car, took out his gun & shot the man in front of him to death.
Now you may be thinking how you would never react the same way as that guy in Philly, but have you ever lost your temper? Do you ever do things you wish you hadn’t done, or say things you wish you had never said? Have you ever cursed someone by calling them a fool or worse? As we grow in wisdom by seeking God, we should also grow in patience and in the ability to overlook an offense (Prov 19:11).
Life may not go the way we want it go, but when we understand how God has everything under control and when we choose to operate in His will and abide in Him I firmly believe anger will lose its stronghold in our lives. Let us have complete, everlasting joy in our Father.
3 Rounds
Clean & Jerk Ladder
50 sec AMRAP, 10 Sec Rest/Transition
When you complete the ladder or can no longer advance start over from the beginning
Score = top of ladder weight x reps per round
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