
“Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Matthew 9: 37 (NIV) Everyone wants to be the hero. Never have I encountered an individual who has told me, “I would really love to be the one everyone picks on. I want to be the one who always loses.” It is just part of our nature. As humans, I believe we all have that innate longing for accomplishment in some sort of form or fashion. What is disheartening is when people grow up and lose that passion. We get older and think our time has come and gone. Truly, that inspiration is never gone, but rather is diminished. It is that motivation that allows one person to push past the pain and get one more rep in a workout, whereas another person, who may in fact be fitter and stronger than the first, quit early. The heroes of the faith knew what it meant to dig deep. They knew what it meant to sacrifice. They were driven by a longing to be restored with their Father and point others towards Him. I cannot ...