“…No, but I will buy them from you for a price; I will not
offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24
A burnt offering in the times of the Ancient Near East meant
literally a sacrifice in which the entire offering was burned completely to
ashes as a soothing aroma to the Lord. It would symbolize the complete
destruction of the sacrifice in order to renew a relationship between the Father
and man. In 2 Samuel, David had sinned against God by taking a count of his
armies in pride to see his power. When confronted with his sin, he was given a
choice of the consequence he would be have to accept. Towards the end of the
time of punishment, David went to offer God his burnt offering to restore his relationship
with the Lord God. What is so remarkable about this passage is that David
refused to offer a sacrifice that would cost him nothing. How often do we in our lives repent for the sins that we have committed and do so with empty words, and even worse, empty promises. David understood that the sin he had committed was so great (like all sin) and was not willing to make amends without it costing him. Is our approach to worship the same? Or do we go about our day repeating the same words over and over again when we pray in the morning, over a meal, and before bed? Do we go into a church service with no intention or hunger to hear from God through the preacher, but simply because we have been doing it for so long? Do we throw our bills into the collection plate without even a thought about what we are giving because it really does not affect our way of living? Or does our burnt offering cost us something?
We are almost halfway through the year 2014 and I challenge you to take a look back at your life and examine the life you have lived. Are you willing to stand like David and say, “I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.” Or are you perfectly comfortable with offering Him whatever is available at the moment with no inconvenience to your life?
3 rounds for time of
20-lb. medicine ball cleans, 50 reps
Run 800 meters
20-lb. medicine ball cleans, 50 reps
Run 800 meters
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