“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15 (NIV)
One of the strangest things I have noticed in life is sustaining a life of contentedness. Is it not strange that you can be fully content with life throughout a good portion of the day only to have it ruined by news of a someone having success, or moving on to bigger and better things, or getting the latest and greatest device or “toy”. Bitterness, if unchecked, may create tension and anger between us and the other person, thinking that they are less deserving of their fortune or prize than you are.
Studies have been conducted on user’s interaction with Facebook and they have found how individuals spend more time looking at what other people are doing in their lives than posting updates on their own, by nearly 300%. Even more startling is the fact that many people, who are content with their lives, suddenly feel like they are behind the curve or broken when they read about a Facebook “friend” getting a promotion, getting married, or having a child.
Now do not misunderstand me, this world has a lot of great things. Things that will make our lives easy and help bring us closer to those whom we love. But when we become infatuated with things in this world and when we lust after the things of this world is when we will find ourselves in sin. The first commandment states we are to “have no other gods before [God]” and when we lust and crave after the things of this world we need to check ourselves and see whether or not we have placed the idol of materialism, success, or prosperity in the place of God. If so, we would do good to follow the instructions of scripture in casting it away, seeking after the kingdom of heaven and finding contentment in what we have for we know that our God will never leave us nor forsake us (Matt 5:29-30; 6:33; Heb 13:5). When you find greed creeping in your life, remember the words of Jesus in Luke 12, “life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
2 minutes of max pushups- Rest only in a locked out position
2 minutes of max sit-ups- Rest only at the top of the sit-up
Rest 1 minute
1 minute of max pushups
1 minute of max sit-up’s
Rest 1 minute
1 minute of max sit-up’s
Rest 1 minute
10 minutes AMRAP:
10 pull-ups
10 Push Press (45#)
Rest 1 minute
10 pull-ups
10 Push Press (45#)
Rest 1 minute
1 minute of max pushups
1 minute of max sit-up’s
Goal- Last round: 50 Pushups and 55 Sit-ups
1 minute of max sit-up’s
Goal- Last round: 50 Pushups and 55 Sit-ups
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