
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1

As I roam (safely) around Brazil during the little free time I have here, I am astounded with the beauty of all that is around me. Growing up in Houston where our mountains have a peak of 50 ft. above sea level I am completely in awe of the scenery around me here in Rio de Janeiro. I am not one to waste time, but when I go out I cannot help but take a moment of time to simply soak in all that is around me. I am reminded of the words from David proclaiming how His creation proclaims His glory. I can honestly say that those words are not enough.
The average elm tree has approximately 6 million leaves on it. Have you ever thought about how diverse and creative God is? He didn’t have to make hundreds of different kinds of bananas, but He did. He didn’t have to put 3,000 different species of trees within one square mile in the Amazon jungle, but He did. God didn’t have to create so many kinds of laughter. Think about the different sounds of your friends’ laughs—wheezes, snorts, silent, loud, obnoxious.- Crazy Love, Francis Chan
Hotel WOD:
10-> 1->10 reps for time of:
Handstand Push-ups
