
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28(NIV)

In June 2013, the US Department of Labor published the results of their American Time Use Survey. The aggregated report outlines the amount of time that Americans spent on various activities during the course of a day. According to the report this is a summarized breakdown of their findings:
  • 7.7 hours a week were spent working by employed persons
  • Men spent an average of 2.0 hours on household activities (Women spent 2.6)
  • 6.0 hours were spent by persons over the age of 15 watching TV, socializing, or exercising
  • Adults living in households with children spent an average of 2.0 hours providing primary childcare
The sum of the above listed activities total to 17.7 hours. Assuming you enjoy 6 hours of sleep and the remaining .3 hours of the day are spent on personal care, your day is accounted for. Unfortunately, depending on your occupation, many of us spend our days performing tasks which will not improve ourselves, nor our fellow man. Farrah Gray said it best when he stated that you should “build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” I’m sure all of us have had a dream at some point in our life. Some of us have written that dream down to remind us what it is we are living for. Even fewer have pursued the written dream.

It is well known that no one lives forever, but that does not mean that a person should believe that they should waste the time that they have been given. God has purposed a calling for each one of us and it is our responsibility to decide whether or not we will follow it. Some individuals are more successful than others, but all are given the same 24 hours in each day. How will you choose to spend your time? Will you make a meaningful impact in the lives of those around you? Or will you choose to just get through the day? I encourage you to look at the the activities and tasks that take up your time and determine for yourself if they are meaningful. Are those puruits worth your energy and are they things that, at the end of they day, make you a better person than you were yesterday? I encourage you to speak with your Father and ask Him to reveal His will in your life. If you have already done so, I challenge you to fulfill that purpose. By doing so, you will discover what it truly means to live rather than to simply exist.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
-Mark Twain

5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

The weight I use is 125#, feel free to go up or down. The purpose of this workout is to perform the exercise with a weight that you are capable of doing all 27 reps without rest. They are all touch and goes until completion of the round. So once you start the round, never let go off the bar or rest it on the floor.
