"Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them." Deuteronomy 11:16
I read the story of a man who took a slip of paper and wrote upon it only three letters spelling "G-O-D." He showed it to his friend, who was plainly overcome with greed and the worship of wealth.
He took a coin, and after having placed the coin over the slip of paper, asked his friend the same question from a different perspective, "Can you see God?" Of course the man’s friend said that he could not.
So it is with all men and women in this life. Whatever things that we place in front of God will block our view of God. Especially in this day and age with technologies like the internet nearly everything we can imagine can be bought from our fingertips. Now I am not saying that objects are evil, or even that the desire for things is wrong. The point that I am trying to make is that when our passions, motivations, desire, will, and purpose are driven by _________ and not God, it becomes wrong. When we put the things of this world before God we enter into dangerous territory.
What are your eyes feeding on and what effect do they have on your heart? Are you able to see the good things of this world and stand in awe that God has given us the mindset to create such things? Or are we enamored by the objects that we come to believe that we actually need it and our every thought is on how we can receive it? Are we living for the purpose of acquiring more stuff to live a more content life? Or are we content with purposefully living to give the gifts God has given to us to others solely to bring glory to Him?
Let's check our hearts together and affirm that the center of our being is the creator of all things. And with that in mind, let's run a race worthy of our call.
21-15-9 reps of the following:
95# Thrusters
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