Week 5: Exodus 38-Leviticus 19

Reflection : As we bring Exodus to a close, we read of the tabernacle being erected and God coming down and dwelling with His people. The question then is how can God's people continue to dwell with God in this new Eden-like state without being "put out of the camp". Leviticus summarizes how sin and contact with the dead (Lepers were continuously in contact with deadness in them) removes them from God's presence, but sacrifice allows them to reenter. Let's consider each of the types of offerings and some reasons for how they relate to Christ: Burnt Offering: This offering shows that we can do nothing to atone for our sin. Like the burnt offering, Christ's entire body was offered up to God in atonement for our sin. The burnt offering restored the Israelites relationship with God, but through Christ we have full, final, and perfect reconciliation Grain Offering: Purpose was to worship God and acknowledge His provision and sovereignty. The grain offering was a co...