
Showing posts from January, 2025

Week 5: Exodus 38-Leviticus 19

Reflection : As we bring Exodus to a close, we read of the tabernacle being erected and God coming down and dwelling with His people. The question then is how can God's people continue to dwell with God in this new Eden-like state without being "put out of the camp". Leviticus summarizes how sin and contact with the dead (Lepers were continuously in contact with deadness in them) removes them from God's presence, but sacrifice allows them to reenter. Let's consider each of the types of offerings and some reasons for how they relate to Christ: Burnt Offering: This offering shows that we can do nothing to atone for our sin. Like the burnt offering, Christ's entire body was offered up to God in atonement for our sin. The burnt offering restored the Israelites relationship with God, but through Christ we have full, final, and perfect reconciliation Grain Offering: Purpose was to worship God and acknowledge His provision and sovereignty. The grain offering was a co...

Week 4: Exodus 15-37

  Reflection: We are going to be spending a lot of time in the next several weeks with the people of Israel at the Mountain of the Lord. From Exodus 19 through Numbers 10, the events will take place at Mt. Sinai. And with regards to what we will be reading this week, we will witness the Law being given (Ex 19-24), the instructions and guidelines for building the tabernacle (25-31), the covenant being broken (32-34), and the construction of the tabernacle going into chapter 40. All that we read is meant to remind them of who God is, "the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (20:12). Exodus 15-18: Worship -> Complaint. How patient and wonderful is the Lord. God provides them with food and water during their wilderness journey, despite all of their complaining. This is a wonderful picture of Christ, who is the bread of life ( John 6:22-40 ) and provider of living water ( John 4:1-15 ). Exodus 19-22: Commands of God. The Israeli...

Week 3: Genesis 42-Exodus 14

Reflection: In this section of the Bible, we are going to run through roughly 400 years of history! Quite a lot is going to happen. We will read about Joseph's encounter with his brothers, their leading to Egypt, the Israelites being persecuted by the Egyptians, Moses being raised up, the people plundering the Egyptians, and escape through the Red Sea. And though this event is familiar to us because we know the story of Moses, it also is familiar to us because of our readings from last week. For example, consider what we read in Genesis 12; Abraham's first sister fib. I believe that Moses, the author of the book of Genesis wants us to be prepared for something. In verses 10-20 we read 1) a severe famine brings Abraham to Egypt, 2) concern about persecution from the Egyptians, 3) conflict between the man of God and Pharoah, 4) the Lord afflicting the Egyptians with great plagues, 5) the people of God being essentially forced out of Egypt, and 6) them leaving with great plunder. ...

Week 2: Genesis 19-41

Reflection: New Year's is a wonderful time for me. As a planner, I enjoy reviewing and planning our budget, setting family goals, and reflecting on the past year to learn and improve. It is also wonderful because I get to spend time with a really good friend of mine who I only physically meet up with but once a year on New Year's Eve. As we begin our reading plan, perhaps reading the book of Genesis is similar to my once-a-year meetup with a close friend. You "stay in touch" throughout the year, but you do not dwell and "reside" with this friend but once a year. May I challenge you to not rush through it. Take time to see details that you have never seen before and to be in awe and wonder at the magnificent work of God. Perhaps as you read through Genesis 1, you marveled once again at the symmetry and parallelism of the days of creation. Or how "the earth was without form and void" (Gen 1:2) and then you read how in the first 3 days the earth begin...