
Showing posts from 2024

2025, Here we come!

Psalm 111:2 "Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them."  During 2024, this verse was so sweet to me as I read though my Bible. It was a continual reminder to me of how marvelous our God is. From creation to regular daily occurrences, as Job says "[God] does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number." Especially, in the way that He works through His word in the life of His people. I have found that as I grow older, it is increasingly easier to become numb to the awe-ful. As we begin this New Year and continue to devote ourselves to reading, studying, and applying His Word, may we be a people who find great delight in doing so. Delight as we see how God providentially worked all things for His glory in salvation through judgment. Delight not that we checked off another box, but that our vision of God has been enlarged through our study. That is my prayer for you and for me this coming year.   What to Expect? Every Sunda...