
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18 (NIV) Every once in a while we are all going to need help. I remember a night a few years ago when I was driving up to Dallas and got a flat tire. "A flat tire? No big deal," I thought for I had changed many a tire before. Unfortunately, on that night I did not have a tire iron, nor a jack. Having the spare tire served me no good if I did not have any way to change the tire. What made matters worse was that no one was willing to stop and help me out. I eventually had to call a tow truck to bring some tools to change the tire for me. Now imagine if I had called the towing service and instead of sending a truck, they prayed with me over the phone? What good would that have done? So many times, we see people around us that are in need of some help. Too often, a Christian brother or sister will say, "I will be praying for you." Now I am not saying that you sh...