
Showing posts from January, 2013


Exodus 4:13 "But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”   Many times we can be like Moses, fearful and naive. God commanded Moses to speak to Pharaoh in order to bring his people freedom and deliver them to the Promised Land. Rather than show excitement and gratitude for being chosen as the vessel, Moses made multiple excuses as to why he was the wrong choice. When all his excuses failed, he simply asked the Creator of the universe to send someone else! How crazy is this?   Is God asking you to do something? Are you making the excuses that you are too busy, or not knowledgeable enough, or even inadequate? Remember 1 Corinthians 1:27, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong” (NIV). Moses was a chicken, had a stuttering problem, and a shepherd when he was called by God. And God turned Him into one of the heroes of the faith and a savior to his people. If God wants...

And the winner is...

Thanks to everyone who voted. After the week long poll to decide which family vacation video should be uploaded, the winner, capturing 60% of the vote, is me falling down while snowboarding. Here ya go: WOD: "Dirty Thirty" For time complete 30 reps of the following at 95#: Snatch Clean and Jerk Front Squat Dead Lift Time to beat: 15 minutes


"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (NIV) In a world full of inconsistency it is very comforting to know that there is one thing (I use this word very loosely) that does not ever change. God. Our attitudes change, our interests change, our styles change, and even our schedules change. I know this is true because I see it often in my own life, and maybe you can relate. I also know that I do not consistently do the right thing, but I am so glad that I have a relationship with a God that never changes. John MacArthur says it beautifully, “If ever he loved, he loved me forever. If ever he forgave me, he forgave me forever. If ever he saved, he saved me forever. If ever he promised me anything, he promised it to me forever.” He is consistent and hopefully in certain things we can become consistent as well.   For example, I have been a Crossfitter for a little over a year now and I know that some weeks I would rest more days than I sho...


" 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) And another week has begun...It is so strange how fast time flies without us ever taking the time to reflect on how quickly life goes on. It makes one wonder if they really used their time wisely and if they had done something significant enough to leave a legacy. I pastor a church in NW Houston and one of the core values of the church and its congregation is to leave a legacy. It is a motivational value to drive us, the church, into fulfilling the great commission. Today I read a book written by Sam Martin entitled "How I led one and one led a million". It detailed the life of Sam Martin and how he was able to lead many people to truly know Christ starting at the young age of 17. One of...

Family Vacation

My family and I went to Taos Valley, New Mexico last week with the babies and it was so much fun. Because my niece and nephew are so young, the amount of activities they could partake in were very limited. They probably enjoyed the saucer sled the most. Luckily I was able to catch some of their fun on camera. While my family was resting or playing with the babies, I spent a majority of my time on the mountain. The view from an elevation of nearly 12k feet is amazing and was a humble reminder of how great God is. By the end of the week, I had boarded all the green and blue routes and I'm hoping that next year I will be able to take on a black diamond or two. Please respond to my poll on the right to decide which video of me snowboarding I should upload. Thanks and don't forget to leave any comments, especially if you do the WOD (Workout of the day) I would like to know your score/time/feelings. WOD : It's gonna be a long one! 20 reps of the following: Wallball (2...


Some days are longer than others. I am in my final semester before receiving my MBA and I can honestly say that it is draining. I work every day (except Fridays) at a traditional job, go to school full-time (not online), am very active with my young adult group and church throughout the week, and train for Crossfit every day. Needless to say my days are busy. One thing that I never cut out of my days, no matter how busy I am, is my time with my Father. It is a special time that I have come to treasure and long for. It is what helps me get through each day. Today’s workout made me appreciate all the blessings that He has given to me. Enjoy the workout! WOD: EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes 3 reps of one-hand kettlebell snatch (35#) Rest 5 minutes "Unbroken" 5 rounds of 30-30-20-20-10 reps Push-ups, Squats, V-ups, kettlebell triceps (35#) Perform each set unbroken and with as little rest as possible in between movements. 1 minute rest in...

Hello World

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I've never been a big guy. In high school, I weighed a whopping 115 pounds. And ever since those puny days I’ve been doing everything in my power to get bigger, faster, and stronger. I currently have picked up some mass and now weigh 165 pounds. I attribute it mainly to me starting Crossfit. Through it, I have become a more disciplined man. Hopefully one day I will be good enough to compete in regionals. A lot of what I used to do in my life was to bring glory and honor to myself. It was not until high school when I truly heard God and my life changed directions. I now live for Him and, in all things, I do them for the glory of Him. Sure I slip up every now and then, but at least there is progress. This blog will hopefully keep me motivated to grow physically and spiritually and document my growth along the way. Here goes to a new adventure. WOD:   A nice easy day Snatch Practice for 15 m...