
Week 2: Temptation

I am back from "Spring Break"! For those of you in the book club, here is your next reading guide. I am praying for you all to be safe during this time and rejoice that you are growing in sanctification. Recommended Reading: Chapters 9- 13 (28 pages) Because this book is divided up into so many chapters, I am grouping chapters into like themes rather than creating reflective meditations on each chapter. Section 5: Public vs Private Temptations includes chapters 9-10 Section 6: Why Fear Temptations? includes chapter 11 Section 7: Detecting and Resisting Temptation includes chapters 12-13 Bible Study Questions Section 5: Public vs Private Temptations Read Proverbs 30:7-9 Why do you think the psalmist asked for those two specific things in his prayer? How do they relate to public and private temptations? What, in this prayer, is revealed to be the highest desire for the psalmist? What is yours? Section 6: Why Fear Temptations? Read Proverbs 6...

Week 1: Temptation

Recommended Reading: Introduction-Chapter 8 (40 pages)  Because this book is divided up into so many chapters, I am grouping chapters into like themes rather than creating reflective meditations on each chapter. Section 1: Introductory Remarks includes the Author's Preface and the Introduction (Chapter 1) Section 2: Testing vs Temptations includes chapters 2-3 Section 3: Identifying Temptations includes chapters 4-5 Section 4: Our Duty and our Folly includes chapters 6-8 Bible Study Questions: Section 2: Testing vs Temptations Read Hebrews 2:14-18 Knowing that Jesus also has endured temptations and is able to help those who are being tempted, are there any places where you have not fully trusted in Christ to come to your aid? How does your worship to the Lord change knowing that he came to "help the offspring of Abraham"? Section 3: Identifying Temptations Read James 1:12-15 Considering the text, where do the sources of temptation come from ...

Repost from Ligonier Ministries: A Pastor’s Update from Italy on the Coronavirus

We asked Rev. Michael Brown, a pastor in Milan, Italy, how we can be praying for the Italian church amid the coronavirus situation. Here is his response: I am a missionary of the United Reformed Churches in North America serving in northern Italy, where I pastor Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia, an Italian congregation in the suburbs of Milan. As you have probably seen in the news, we have experienced a devastating outbreak of the coronavirus. In the past ten days alone, we have seen the number of reported cases in Italy skyrocket from 888 to 7985, and deaths have climbed from 21 to 463. In the past 48 hours, Italy has experienced more than 100 deaths to coronavirus per day. Almost 90% of the cases of coronavirus in Italy are in Lombardy, the region where my family lives. The entire country, however, is on lockdown. This means that no one is permitted to travel and everyone is encouraged to remain at home unless absolutely necessary. All schools and churches in the entire country are un...

Book Club: Temptation

Hey everyone, New month, means new book! And I am really excited about reading this one with you all. Check out the description below. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on the new reading guide format, the book selections, as well as anything you learned/applied from the previous books! You can send those to me by e-mail: Book Description In this abridged and easy to read edition of John Owen’s classic work, the famous Puritan theologian opens up Matthew 26:41, carefully explaining what temptation is and what is involved in entering into it. He then shows how Christ teaches two means for Christians to use to guard against this danger, namely watching and praying: ‘These two’, Owen says, ‘comprise the whole endeavour of faith for the soul’s preservation from tempation’, and he insists that it is the duty of every believer to follow diligently Christ’s instructions to avoid falling into temptation. Owen helpfully applies his teaching, showing us how we ...


For the LORD of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?  Isaiah 14:27  Growing up, my family would take a lot of trips in our van across the country. I loved packing up the van and claiming my seat in the back row so that I could have a bit more space and comfortably listen to music or read a book. It was a lot of fun and the excitement always grew as we slowly, but surely, neared our final destination. Oh what adventures would await us. But that is not to say that every trip was without disappointments. For example, I vividly recall one long trip that involved us to cross through multiple states. Seeing as this was going to be a long one, I took a nap during the drive. Some time later, I woke up to the salty smell of McDonald's fries…mmm dinner was going to be great. To keep within the word count, let me tell you that it was not great. What had happened was that while orders were being taken at the Drive-thru f...

Week 4: The Christian's Great Interest

Recommended Reading: Section 2; Chapters 3-Conclusion (51 pages) Bible Study Questions Chapter 3 Read Acts 7:51-53 Do you think that the Jewish people had any legitimate reasons for why they would be excused by God for having hardening their hearts and resisting the Holy Spirit? What would be their consequence for doing so? Why do you think that they did so anyways? In what ways have you resisted the Holy Spirit when He has convicted you to do something? Chapter 4 Read John 15:1-17 What sort of instructions are given to those who would like to remain in Christ and to bear great fruitfulness? Where do you see those items most clearly in your own life? In what ways have you depended on yourself for fruitfulness apart from Christ? What steps will you take to remove that idol of self? Personal Reflection Questions: Chapter 3 What other objections have you heard been given for why a person will not submit themselves to Christ? What were your responses? In what ways you can...

Disciplining Your Children

The month of February 2020 will be on the theme of Parenting. BUT before all of you single and married without children folks check out, I want you to know that many of the applications found in these articles will not only be useful for you in the future, but for the here and now and I will be putting some applications specifically for you in the last paragraph of each section. ********************************** Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.  Ephesians 6:4 Before Monica and I got married, we had the talk. No, not the talk, but the talk about how we were going to raise and discipline our children. We were both in complete agreement that we would, when necessary, discipline them with the paddle for a variety of reasons (read on). Now, I know in today's day and age corporal punishment can be a controversial issue for some, but it really should not be at all. Some will argue that there are m...